Naheed Zaman

Love Coach

If you are looking for love you’re in the right place. This site is designed
to help professional women discover the secrets to having a
successful and lasting romantic relationship.

My Story

From an early age I dreamed of finding love and having a family and growing old with the man of my dreams. As I entered into my early twenties my love life wasn’t going well…I constantly made the wrong relationship choices and I had a habit of dating unsuitable men.

My business life, on the other hand, was a great success, starting my own business at age 24, everything I touched seemed to turn to gold. At the age of 37, I was a self- made business woman.

Yet I was still not in the relationship that I wanted despite my search.I tried everything from online dating, speed dating and even blind dating however something was not right and I was baffled as to why I was getting it so wrong when I was successful, solvent and attractive.

It was not until a relationship disaster revealed to me the secrets that were taken for granted by women who were in settled relationships, yet lay hidden from me and other seekers.

I searched through books about relationships, listened to love gurus and did online courses assembling a whole horde of information dating advice and psychological techniques that would let love find me. At the age of 48 I found my soulmate and created the Love Mastery Academy that would help other women find love quickly and easily so they did not need to wait years it took me.

I have developed resources to help love find you at different levels for you to access.

Please connect with me on social media or contact us directly for further information.

Are You Looking For A Successful Romantic Relationship?

I’m talking about the kind of relationship where you can be yourself and you are seen and loved for who you are with a love that lasts from the right person for you.

If so then this could be the most important website you visit this year.

Because I know your struggle…I struggled for years looking for love in all the wrong places.

So let me ask you…

Are you concerned about:

Going online where you’ll get recognised by your clients?
Having to go on boring dates where you waste your time?
Making endless conversations with potential suitors that go nowhere?
The fear of getting rejected or worse… ghosted?
Ending up with the wrong person guy?
Having to put on an act in the relationship?
Chasing men and ending up with a loser?
Trying to win love and do all the work in the relationship?

IF you answered yes to any of these questions then read on to discover  how i developed to help other women  to stop trying too hard chasing love and instead to relax and let love find you.

Free Downloadable Resources

Looking for love should not be the minefield that it has turned out to be today, access these powerful resources so you can be informed in your search for love.